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    Mycotoxin contamination: food growing - harvesting - storage - livestock feed, the entire process everywhere.

    Hong Kang Ling Feng mold - animal health partner

    Mycotoxin Hazard and Risk Control

    Toxin classification

    Common easily contaminated feed

    Symptoms of poisoning

    Animal species that may affect the


    Almost all of the grains, such as corn, peanuts, cottonseed, sorghum, wheat

    Loss of immunity (immunosuppression), reduce food intake, cancer, dysfunctional life, rough coat; liver damage, poor performance

    Dog, young piglet, sow, calf, pig, cow, sheep, poultry


    Corn, wheat, oats, barley, sorghum, rice, sesame seeds, grain, hay and silage feed

    Sow rectal and vaginal prolapse, decreased libido, pregnancy rate; immature boar testicular atrophy, subcutaneous edema; feeding, death, swollen vulva; reduced feed intake.

    Pigs, cows, sheep, horses


    Oats, mold sorghum, wheat, soybeans, peanuts, hay, silage material under wet conditions

    Weight loss, anorexia, slow growth, decline in pig production efficiency, immunosuppression, abortion.

    Pig, poultry, dairy cows


    Corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, rye, hay and silage feed

    Vomiting, refusal to eat, diarrhea, irritability, death, feed intake, reduced weight gain.

    Pigs, poultry, fish, dogs, cats

    T-2 toxin

    Corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, mixed feed

    Egg Drop, weight loss, death, mouth necrosis, liver hypertrophy, immune suppression, oral intestinal damage and bleeding.

    Pigs, poultry


    Corn, peanuts, cottonseed, sorghum, wheat

    Weight gain, decreased feed intake, reduced reproduction rate. Easy disease in young pigs.

    Dog, young pigs, sows, calves, pigs, cows, sheep, poultry


    Corn, rice, sorghum

    Lethargy, liver damage, pulmonary edema, respiratory disease and stillbirth.

    Pigs, horses

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